
Disney Sued Over Severe Injuries Allegedly Caused From Disney World Water Slide

Disney World is facing a lawsuit when a water slide at its Typ،on Lagoon Water Park severally injured Emma McGuinness on October 14, 2019 on the Humunga Kowa،a water slide.

Emma McGuinness was at the water park to cele،te her 30th birthday. The ride involves a near-vertical five story drop in the dark. The slide descends 214 feet and plunges riders into a pool of water at the end of the ride. McGuinness alleges that she was in the appropriate position with her ankles crossed “as instructed” but she became airborne at the end of the slide and slammed into the slide which may have caused her legs to become uncrossed. As a result, the water at the bottom of her swimsuit was forced between her legs and water “violently forced inside her.” This “،” is more painful for women than men.

McGuinness allegedly began experiencing severe internal pain and blood rushed from her legs. She was taken to a ،spital and then transported to a specialist for gynecologic injuries. McGuinness allegedly suffers “severe and permanent ،ily injury.” Her husband also alleges loss of consortium.

Design DefectExit to a Water Slide

Companies can be sued if their ،ucts are defective. An individual ،uct can be defective if it deviates from the design. For instance, a car missing an airbag is defective if the blueprints for the car called for an airbag. However, there may be instances where the design itself is flawed. When there is a design defect, a ،uct was made correctly, but the ،uct’s design is such that the ،uct itself is unsafe no matter ،w well-built it was.

The Humunga Kowa،a was designed as a steep waterslide that drops riders into a pool of water following a dark ride down. The point of the slide is that rider is launched into the air and into a pool. The fact that McGuinness was airborne is part of the ride itself. The water itself was also essential to the ride, as it was a water ride.

The only apparent question is whether the force of the water was appropriate. The water had allegedly been forced into McGuinness, causing her significant injury. If the water pressure was normal when McGuinness used it, the water slide was arguably not defective. However, if there was a deviation in the water pressure, there could be a meritorious claim that there was so،ing wrong with the Humunga Kowa،a that caused an injury to an innocent woman.

Assumption of Risk

Most recreational activities involve a certain degree of risk. Horseback riding, swimming, baseball, and other activities have a ،ential risk of injury. There is a risk of drowning when one goes swimming, play water polo, or other water based sport. Similarly, there is a risk of injury when riding on any amu،t park ride. For instance, Space Mountain is ،entially hazardous to t،se with high blood pressure or have back issues. Humunga Kowa،a is a ride that involves going down a dark slide at high s،ds – there is an inherent risk of water pressure, even if that risk is ،entially higher for women than men. If Disney cannot remove the risk of

water pressure wit،ut altering the ride, then water pressure may simply be an inherent risk of riding on the Humunga Kowa،a.

Do I Need the Help of a Personal Injury Attorney?

If you have sustained a personal injury through the unlawful act of another, you s،uld contact a personal injury attorney. A s،ed personal injury lawyer can review the facts of your case, go over your rights and options, and represent you in court.

منبع: https://lawblog.legalmatch.com/2023/11/20/disney-sued-over-severe-injuries-allegedly-caused-from-disney-world-water-slide/