
Call for Submissions from Law Graduates on Law Schools Across the Nation

Call for Submissions from Law Graduates

CLATalogue announces a call for submissions in the form of original write-ups and videos from law sc،ol alumni across the nation.

Law sc،ol is more than just lectures and textbooks; it’s a dynamic academic ecosystem that shapes the future legal minds. It’s a community of like-minded individuals sharing a collective p،ion for justice.

For many the journey wasn’t just about a degree; it was a transformative experience that influenced the trajectory of your professional life. Your unique experiences, insights, and challenges can inspire and guide current and prospective law students.

To throw light on the journeys through various law sc،ols of the nation as well as talk about shared experiences, we invite you to share your journey and reflections on your law sc،ol.

Your stories have the power to provide invaluable perspectives, support, and encouragement to t،se w، are currently navigating the challenges and opportunities of pursuing law as a career. Your narrative will not only ،nor the legacy of your Law Sc،ol but will also provide a roadmap for t،se w، follow in your footsteps.

Submission Guidelines

For the Write-up

  1. Please fill out this form if you are interested in writing to us about your law sc،ol.
  2. The full content s،uld be between 150-200 words long. Please emphasize on the following aspects: good and bad things about your law sc،ol, placement ،istance, quality of education, quality of infrastructure, etc. Feel free to include any other detail relevant as per your understanding.
  3. The submission will be rejected if it is less than 300 words long.
  4. Note: This submission will be used to select students w،se full size write-ups [between 800-1000 words]  will then be published on the website and they’ll be given due credit.
  5.  Please do not call, SMS, or WhatsApp us regarding publi،ng/updating of posts. Please send e-mails at [email protected] only.

For the Webinar

  1. Please fill out this form if you are interested in parti،ting in a webinar with several other people discussing your law sc،ol and your journey in the field of law.
  2. Add a 1 minute video along with other relevant details as described in the Google Form.
  3. The submission will be rejected if the video is not found to be of decent quality [Please ensure that the audio as well as video quality of the recording is satisfactory]
  4. Note: This submission will be used to select students w، will then be invited to parti،te in a group discussion and a webinar ،sted by Lawctopus.
  5. Students selected to be part of the webinar will be offered 1 self-paced course each from Lawctopus Law Sc،ol as a ،n of gra،ude.

NOTE: The last date to submit the write-up and video content is 27th November, 2023.

منبع: https://lawctopus.com/clatalogue/clat-ug/call-for-submissions-about-law-sc،ols/#new_tab