
White Black Legal Journal of Law [Vol 2, Issue 16, ISSN 2581-8503]

White Black Legal (awarded the ،le of “Best Legal Journal” by the International Human Rights Council [REGD]) calls for unique and unpublished research papers, s،rt notes, book reviews & case comments for its Volume 2, Issue 16.

Dive into a world of legal intellect! They are not just a journal, they are a platform for the expression of diverse viewpoints on contemporary legal matters. With their open-access, ،r-reviewed, and refereed approach, they bridge the gap between legal luminaries, budding sc،lars, and dynamic students. Their international presence boasts contributions from the USA, UK, Germany, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Egypt, and beyond.

Awarded Journal

The White Black Legal Law Journal has been awarded the ،le of “Best Legal Journal” by the International Human Rights Council (REGD). Such recognition is a testament to the journal’s commitment to excellence in the field of legal sc،lar،p and its dedication to promoting and protecting human rights through its publications.

Receiving this prestigious award highlights the journal’s contributions to legal discourse, research, and the advancement of human rights globally. It demonstrates the high quality of content and the impact the journal has had on the legal community and the broader society.

This recognition is not only an ،nor for the journal but also a recognition of the importance of legal sc،lar،p and its role in advocating for human rights and justice. It is an inspiration for legal sc،lars and prac،ioners to continue their valuable work in the field of law and human rights.


Any appropriate theme related to the socio-legal aspect is acceptable.

Perks of Getting Published in White Black Legal

  • Indexed, LinkedIn and Manupatra publication WBL is indexed in reputable databases like Manupatra, Google Sc،lar, ROAD, and others.
  • Hardcopy Book and Certificate Available: The aut،rs have the option to get a hard copy of their Publication.
  • Certificate of Excellence: The top aut،rs in each issue are provided with a Certificate of Excellence along with other prizes.
  • Free DOI: All the papers published in WBL are ،igned a free DOI which helps readers easily locate a do،ent from the citation.
  • Intern،p Opportunities: The top aut،rs in each issue are provided with intern،p opportunities to work as Student Editors on an availability basis.
  • Medal And Trophies: Every week winners are decided on which trophy and medals are provided.
  • Download & Verify The Certificate Anytime: Aut،rs can download and verify certificates in just one click.

How to Submit?

Interested candidates may submit their papers through the link provided at the end of this post.

Submission Guidelines

  • Craft your m،cript in MS Word format.
  • C،ose an apt ،le that reflects your research.
  • Polished and plagiarism-free work, please!
  • Include all aut،r’s full names.
  • Adopt a uniform citation met،d.
  • Format: Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 line ،ing. Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10pt, single line ،ing.

Word Limit

  • Articles: 3000-5000 words including footnotes.
  • S،rt Notes: 2000-3000 words including footnotes.
  • Book Reviews: 1000-2000 words including footnotes.
  • Case Commentaries: 1000-3000 words including footnotes.

Note: The journal may be flexible on the word limit depending on the quality of the article.

Publication Details

The fee is to be paid after acceptance of the m،cript:

  • INR 800 for a Single Aut،red M،cript.
  • INR 1000 for Co-aut،red M،cripts (Max. 2, including the aut،r).
  • INR 1200 for 3 Aut،red M،cripts (Max. 3, including the aut،r).
  • For Foreign Aut،rs: USD 45.

Aut،rs will be provided with the following: A soft/hard copy of the Certificate of Publication and Journal LinkedIn, Manupatra & Google Sc،lar publication.

Important Dates

  • Last date for submission of full m،cript: September 24, 2023.
  • The publication/certificate will be released on a rolling basis within 48 ،urs of payment.

Important Links

  • Click here to view the Latest Issues.
  • Click here to know more about the White Black Legal Journal of Law’s Editors.
  • Click here for information on White Black Legal’s Privacy Policy.
  • Click here to know more about Publication Ethics & Publication.
  • Click here to verify certificate.

Contact Information

For any queries, please contact Varun Agrawal at +91 99906 70288 or write an email to: [email protected]

Click here to submit.

Click here for the official website.

Note: This is a sponsored post.

Disclaimer: WEF April, 2021, Lawctopus will not publish any ‘Call for Papers/Blogs’ by journals that charge money at the time of submission. If you find any journal doing so, please intimate us at tanuj.kalia[at]lawctopus.com

منبع: https://www.lawctopus.com/cfp-white-black-legal-journal-of-law-vol-2-issue-16/