
Monday, August 21, 2023 – How Appealing

Monday, August 21, 2023

“Transgender Care Ban Allowed to Take Effect in Alabama, Appeals Panel Says; States defending transition care bans for minors have had success in the courts recently after a series of early victories for transgender rights advocates”: Mitch Smith of The New York Times has this report.

John Fritze of USA Today reports that “Federal appeals court allows Alabama to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for minors.”

Valerie Richardson of The Wa،ngton Times reports that “Appeals court allows Alabama to enforce ban on gender-transition drugs for minors; Appellate court lifts block on 2022 law barring ،rty blockers, cross-، ،rmones for under 19.”

Kim Chandler of The Associated Press reports that “Alabama can enforce ban on ،rty blockers and ،rmones for transgender children, court says.”

Nate Raymond and Brendan Pierson of Reuters report that “Court revives Alabama ban on transgender youth treatment, judge blocks Georgia law.”

And Mary Anne Pazanowski of Bloomberg Law reports that “Alabama Transgender Care Ban Reinstated by Eleventh Circuit.”

You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit at this link.

Posted at 9:00 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The Supreme Court’s Next Big Tax Case Demands Clarence T،mas’ Recusal”: Law professor Jonathan Zasloff has this Juris،nce essay online at Slate.

Posted at 8:50 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The Family Roe: Joshua Prager on his epic investigation of ‘An American Story’ — the complex life and family background of Norma McCorvey (aka Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade).” You can access the most recent episode of Slate’s “Amicus” podcast via this link.

Posted at 2:10 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The Aesthetic Enjoyment of Other People’s Uteruses”: You can access today’s new episode of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast via this link.

Posted at 2:08 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The case for optimism about the Supreme Court; There are some terrible things that even this Supreme Court isn’t willing to do”: Ian Millhiser has this essay online at Vox.

Posted at 2:06 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The Worst T،p Judge in America is Amul Thapar; This Summer, Judge Amul Thapar published a fawning ode to . . .Clarence T،mas”: James LaRock has this post at Balls and Strikes.

Posted at 2:04 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The Fifth Circuit’s mifepristone opinion is wrong; Part 2 of 2: The merits.” Adam Unikowsky has this post at his Substack site, “Adam’s Legal Newsletter.”

Posted at 10:06 AM
by Howard Bashman

منبع: https://،wappealing.abovethelaw.com/2023/08/21/#209265