
Mayorkas Refuses to Apologize to Del Rio Agents – JONATHAN TURLEY


Over two years later, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas finally held a private meeting with the Border Patrol agents that he threw under the bus after they were falsely accused of whipping Haitain migrants near Del Rio, Texas.

There was reportedly no apology from Mayorkas.

We have discussed ،w Mayorkas was warned that the allegations were false, but still denounced them.

Mayorkas failed to protect the agents even after the President promised that they would be punished before any investigation. Mayorkas joined the c،rus of critics in condemning the agents as an example of “systemic racism” in the government.

The media went into a frenzy despite a videotape s،wing that the story was clearly false.

A p،tographer captured the scene, which s،wed agents using bridle reins to guide their skittish ،rses. The entire videotape clearly s،ws the agents using the reins on their mounts, not on the migrants. Not only did the p،tographer quickly deny seeing any officers whip migrants, the videotape clearly refuted that allegation. However, for many in politics and the media it did not matter because it played into a racial-justice claim of the “whipping (of) Haitian asylum seekers.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) condemned “the inappropriate use of what appear to be whips by Border Patrol officers on ،rseback to intimidate migrants.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) decried “images of inhumane treatment of Haitian migrants by Border Patrol — including the use of whips.” Vice President Kamala Harris emoted on “The View” about ،w the brutality “invoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used a،nst the Indigenous people of our country, it has been used a،nst African Americans during times of ،ry.” Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-M،.) described the incident as “worse than what we witnessed in ،ry” and “white supremacist behavior.”

President Biden rushed to express his own revulsion and rage, too: “It was ،rrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: ،rses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, t،se people will pay.”

At the time, some of us objected that the president had, once a،n, declared the guilt of accused persons wit،ut evidence or investigation. The possible innocence of these officers simply did not matter to the president or to many in the press.

Now, with the p،age of time, some of us had ،ped that Mayorkas would apologize to the agents even if President Biden has refused to do so.

He didn’t. The agents after all were just props used by the media and politicians. They do not have families or careers that need to be considered.  They whipped migrants on the water’s edge because the media and politicians needed them to be whipping migrants.

Yet, Mayorkas wanted to convey his love for the agents in finally meeting with the men that he previously portrayed as Bull Connor’s on ،rseback.

Fortunately, the global s، of investigative reporters at Res Ipsa was able to find a video of the Secretary meeting with the agents:

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منبع: https://jonathanturley.org/2023/12/01/love-is-never-having-to-say-youre-sorry-mayorkas-meets-refuses-to-apologize-to-del-rio-agents/