
Internship Experience at District Legal Service Authority, Haryana

Name of the Student

Ansh Jolly

College and Year of Study

Ins،ute of Law, Kurukshetra University, 3rd year

Name and Address of the Organization

District Legal Service Aut،rity, Ambala, H،a

Duration of Intern،p


How did you Apply?

I applied by visiting the Administrative Centre at DLSA, Ambala

First-Day Formalities, Infrastructure, First Impression

On the first day, I visited the Front office and mediation center in the ADR center, Ambala City. The infrastructure was quite good and impressive. The office for Legal Aid Defence Counsel was newly made in the ADR center. It was a different experience for me.

Main Tasks

There were numerous tasks which were ،igned to me during my w،le intern،p. It included the Central Jail visit, District court visit, mediation center visit, Juvenile Justice Board visit, etc. which all helped me to ،n my knowledge in the legal field.

Work Environment

The work environment was very much satisfactory for me. All the officials were kind and supportive of me as an intern. The S، included experienced persons in the legal field which was nice. I met many panel advocates during my intern،p and all were very respectful and humble.

Good things

There were many good things I felt but one of them was that if in case the advocate ،igned to you for the day was unable to come then the other advocates were very kind enough to take over the responsibility. This is not seen everywhere but at DLSA, Ambala it is.

Bad things

The only bad thing I felt was that the intern،p at DLSA Ambala City, H،a could be only done once and it cannot be done a second time. Other than this sometimes advocates were not that punctual of their time as per the schedule ،igned. But this could be even due to their busy schedule.

Accommodation & Conveyance to Office 

There is no such problem of accommodation and conveyance at DLSA Ambala city. Public transport facilities are quite good for any person to reach here and pursue their intern،p. Even the bus stand of Ambala city is located at a place which is very near to the District Court.


No stipend was there but a certificate for completion of the intern،p is given by the CJM.

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منبع: https://www.lawctopus.com/intern،p-experience-district-legal-service-aut،rity-h،a/