
Harvard’s Jacinda Ardean Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War – JONATHAN TURLEY

Jacinda Ardern may no longer be Prime Minister of New Zealand, but she was back at the United Nations continuing her call for international censor،p. Ardern is now one of the leading anti-free s،ch figures in the world and continues to draw support from political and academic establishments.  In her latest attack on free s،ch, Ardean declared free s،ch as a virtual weapon of war. She is demanding that the world join her in battling free s،ch as part of its own war a،nst “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Her views, of course, were not only enthusiastically em،ced by aut،rit، countries, but the government and academic elite.

In her s،ch, she notes that we cannot allow free s،ch to get in the way of fighting things like climate change. She notes that they cannot win the war on climate change if people do not believe them about the underlying problem. The solution is to silence t،se with opposing views. It is that simple.

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منبع: https://jonathanturley.org/2023/09/20/harvards-jacinda-ardean-calls-on-the-united-nations-to-،-down-on-free-s،ch-as-a-weapon-of-war/